About the Upparent Team
About the Upparent Team
Alexandra Fung
Alex is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and NYU School of Law, and prior to co-founding Upparent, represented children and families in the nonprofit sector for many years. She has four kids, loves karaoke, and has been a devoted Potterhead since college.
Sean Keisman
Sean has been programming since his dad purchased him his very own Macintosh SE/30 second hand from his office. He has three boys, loves to read sci-fi and fantasy, and picks up a new hobby every week. (Kombucha brewing = YUCK!)
Kelly Rupiper
VP of Content
Kelly graduated from the University of Notre Dame and has a background in marketing. She has two kids, has lived in 8 states, and knows the complete lyrics to We Didn’t Start The Fire.